What is Cryptocurrency Trading?

Cryptocurrency trading is the act of speculating on cryptocurrency price movements via a CFD trading account, or buying and selling the underlying coins via an exchange. CFD trading on cryptocurrencies CFDs trading are derivatives, which enable you to speculate on cryptocurrency price movements without taking ownership of the underlying coins. You can go long (‘buy’) if you think a cryptocurrency will rise in value, or short (‘sell’) if you think it will fall. Both are leveraged products, meaning you only need to put up a small deposit – known as margin – to gain full exposure to the underlying market. Your profit or loss are still calculated according to the full size of your position, so leverage will magnify both profits and losses. Mayflam group make use of artificial intelligence to trade and we also have advance traders that have more than 7-15 years experience in trading and to understand trading signal we use what happened in the past to predict the future so we have acquired much technical trading knowledge among our traders to deliver a good trade and bring more profit returns to our investor capital. our artificial intelligence software guaranty 40-99% profit return each time we join a trade.

How does Cryptocurrency Market Works?

Cryptocurrency markets are decentralized, which means they are not issued or backed by a central authority such as a government. Instead, they run across a network of computers. However, cryptocurrencies can be bought and sold via exchanges and stored in ‘wallets’ . Unlike traditional currencies, cryptocurrencies exist only as a shared digital record of ownership, stored on a blockchain. When a user wants to send cryptocurrency units to another user, they send it to that user’s digital wallet. The transaction isn’t considered final until it has been verified and added to the blockchain through a process called mining. This is also how new cryptocurrency tokens are usually created.

What is Cryptocurrency Mining

Cryptocurrency mining is the process by which recent cryptocurrency transactions are checked and new blocks are added to the blockchain. Checking transactions Mining computers select pending transactions from a pool and check to ensure that the sender has sufficient funds to complete the transaction. This involves checking the transaction details against the transaction history stored in the blockchain. A second check confirms that the sender authorized the transfer of funds using their private key. Creating a new block Mining computers compile valid transactions into a new block and attempt to generate the cryptographic link to the previous block by finding a solution to a complex algorithm. When a computer succeeds in generating the link, it adds the block to its version of the blockchain file and broadcasts the update across the network. * The miner consolidates recent cryptocurrency transaction into a ‘block’ * The block is cryptographically secured and linked to the existing blockchain * The miner earns a block reward, which they can inject directly back into the market.

What is the Spread in Cryptocurrency Trading

The spread is the difference between the buy and sell prices quoted for a cryptocurrency. Like many financial markets, when you open a position on a cryptocurrency market, you’ll be presented with two prices. If you want to open a long position, you trade at the buy price, which is slightly above the market price. If you want to open a short position, you trade at the sell price – slightly below the market price. What is a lot in cryptocurrency trading? Cryptocurrencies are often traded in lots – batches of cryptocurrency tokens used to standardize the size of trades. As cryptocurrencies are very volatile, lots tend to be very small: most are just one unit of the base cryptocurrency. However, some cryptocurrencies are traded in bigger lots. What is leverage in cryptocurrency trading? Leverage is the means of gaining exposure to large amounts of cryptocurrency without having to pay the full value of your trade upfront. Instead, you put down a small deposit, known as margin. When you close a leveraged position, your profit or loss is based on the full size of the trade.